Sunday, March 19, 2006


That was the general feeling of all those fortunate enough to go on the "Tahiti Group's" Mystery Progressive Dinner last night. It was planned as a fundraiser, but it was also a "fun-raiser, as young and old let down their hair and just enjoyed being together.
We intended to fill two buses with a total of 50 people, but it was quickly overbooked...and that was just by word of mouth! A number followed in cars, and although they missed out on some of the banter(and some of the ditties remembered from schooldays!), they still had a ball at each venue.
Drinks and nibbles were at Granny's (Tania), with Pumbles generously providing the food. Entrees (Tahitian fish) was at ours here at Devon. Even at this early stage of the evening, a great sing-along was enjoyed around the piano. The music and laughter continued with the mains at the Onion Patch (Arthur and Kerry). It was pretty special to have the younger ones Kath and Gaelene joining in the conviviality on their ukeleles. We finished up at the shed at Wonderland by Night, where Edie had provided sweet pies, and Archie had set up tea and coffee with yummy chocolates from "Sweeties." Here Alec and Ken sat side by side at the old piano. We all sang Happy Birthday to Girlie Nobbs, who turned 96 yesterday. Girlie was very much enjoying the evening, as was her younger sister Audrey.
After a hilarious game of "Pass the Parcel", we finished up with Auld Land Syne, and all agreed that not only can we still teach the young ones how to party, but that we must do it all again soon...real soon!

1 comment:

Jo in NZ said...

Mary, may I offer some advice?? When you are taking a photo of what appears to be a fabulous quilt, get the party goers to duck. LOL
Is there any chance of a piccie of the teapot quilt? I keep waiting for the people to move...and they just don't!

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