Saturday, December 01, 2007

It was a wonderful day.
Early in the morning the weather had looked a little uncertain, but after church it was just glorious.
We counted 83 of us at Thanksgiving lunch at "Devon" on Wednesday.
Everyone brought something, and the tables just groaned with delicious food! We thought 3 long tables would be enough, but they could not even accommodate the meats and salads and savoury dishes! The sweets were taken to the big kitchen table, but we ran out of space there too!!
We sang our island grace:
Be present at our table Lord
Be here and everywhere adored
These mercies bless and grant that we
May feast in Paradise with Thee.

And we all felt very thankful and joyful, not only for the provision of good food, but for our lovely friends and family, and for our beautiful, peaceful and fertile island.

The babies had their own little party on the quilt spread out on the lawn.
The older folks felt very relaxed and contented.
But it was the children who had a real ball, with bubble blowing, sack, egg-and-spoon, and 3 legged races and a treasure hunt. The Mums and Dads were encouraged to get into the spirit of things, and the excuse of "feeling too full" was not accepted!
The three legged race got everyone involved.
But some took a tumble!
The clues for the Treasure hunt, written by Charles, proved a little cryptic, and the parents were called in to help!
At three, a few folk went off to the Adventist Service, but most returned to Devon later for a relaxing cuppa and more sweets and cake

Peter relaxes with a coffee, and Basil the cat takes advantage of an accommodating lap!

We were pretty tired at the end of the day, but felt really happy and contented. We hope everyone else felt the same!


Karen said...

Hi Mary

What a wonderful day you must have had and little william looks like a big boy sitting up all by himself, love seeing the photos and reading all the news. Look forward to seeing you in March

Karen said...

Hi Mary

What a wonderful day you had, I love reading your blog and seeing photos of William on it. Look forward to seeing you in March

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