Saturday, June 09, 2007


Bounty Day is the most important day of the year to Norfolkers. It is the day they celebrate who they are, their heritage and culture, and their pride in their Norfolk Island home. Not even the rain ....very welcome in many ways....could deter them from celebrating in the usual fashion. In fact, the showers abated long enough for the re-enactment of the landing at the pier, the parade through the old Kingston settlement, and the gathering at Government House to all take place. It was not until the time for the picnic that the showers began again, and many families gathered up their baskets, hampers and eskies, and retreated to their homes and other shelter to enjoy their feast.

The day's activities are probably best told in pictures.

Charles drove the old Model A-Ford Truck (Norfolk's first tourist 'bus') for those whose legs would no longer carry them the distance. Some of the kids hitched a ride on the running board.

Meanwhile, a 'Pitcairn' wheelbarrow proves a great means of transport for babies and toddlers!

It was William's very first Bounty Day, and he enjoyed a cuddle from 97 year old 'Girlie" Nobbs.

And one from Auntie Vonnie Grube

And another from his Dad

And he enjoyed being on the front seat of the old Ford with his Mum!

In my next posting, some mouth-watering tales of our picnic-at-home!

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