There is an old saying on Norfolk Island, no doubt originally coined by some old Norfolker in an absent-minded moment:
"You wouldn't know yesterday and today were the same day!"
It was a bit like that for us with our St Barnabas' Spring Fair. On Friday, there was a massive "low" over the island, with thick cloud and drizzle, and it really looked set in. There were thoughts of making a decision to postpone our Spring Fair the next day. But because of all the preparation, all the people involved, and the fact that you can never regain your momentum once you change your course, we decided we would go ahead "WHATEVER".
When we first got up on Saturday morning, there was still a little rain around, but we could see some promising little breaks of blue in the clouds. By mid-morning, the sun was shining bright and beautiful, and that is just how we would describe a very wonderful Fair......bright and beautiful.

The St Barnabas Parish Centre is a wonderful venue for a Fair.
It is actually six whole years since our last Fair. With dimishing resources of time and manpower, we had put it into the "too hard basket". But over the intervening years there was strong encouragement to revive an event had imprinted itself into the community psyche, and about which everyone felt so nostalgic and positive.
We made the decision to stage it again, but this time with a wider community participation. Individuals and community organisations were invited to take part alongside the Church of England, holding stalls and activities for their own funds.
Above all ,we wanted it to be a fun day, a family day, a community celebration. It was all that, and more.
I decided to have my own stall, which I stocked with handmade chocolates, some of my jams and jellies, and a large selection of my needlework creations.

The plant stall was popular and well-stocked...lots of plants ready for Spring planting.

There were two guessing competitions. Kim cooked us a lovely fruit cake, for which we had to guess the weight, and there was a jar of lollies, a prize for the lucky person who guessed how many inside the jar. Here Kim is writing down John's guess for how heavy the cake was- he was the second closest!
Some enterprising young people decided to hold their own stalls. Good on them!
The Donald twins, Brooke and Alanna had lots of goodies to sell.
So did the Hubber boys. Their Mum and Dad actually won the guessing competition for the Jar of Lollies, and Edward, Angus and Duncan were more than happy to take delivery of the prize!
Barbara and Sally had a stall selling the terrific homemade organic jams, sauces and veges from "Pig and Whistle" Farm.
Rotary was kept busy selling sausages, chips and drinks.
The climbing platform and swings were put to good use. Aren't we lucky to have such beautiful facilities and view?

So many people have said to us today that there was a good feeling and happy atmosphere there. It was certainly well worth the work and effort if, in these difficult times, we can all forget our troubles and worries and celebrate family, friends and community!!