Our local Community Arts Society is holding its annual exhibition.
People in the community are encouraged to enter up to four pieces for display over the 4 days of the show.

"Purple Sage" - needlefelted with silk and wool fibres and embroidered
There is no competition, which is just as well, because there is an enormous vartiety of techniques and media on display.
You can, however, put a price on your piece, and the Society will sell it on your behalf for 20% commission.
"Edwardian Lady" - lace collage (mainly old doileys) and embellished with beads and embroidery
But nowadays, I am just not sure how people will react to my work, which is usually the result of playing and experimenting with new media and techniques. I am conscious of the fact that because I largely work with textiles, many people will regard what I do as "craft" rather than art, and therefore would think me cheeky and over-optimistic if I were to put a price tag on it to make it worth my while.
Nevertheless, I do enjoy the positive feedback from these exhibitions, and having someone come up and say they really like this or that piece gives me enormous pleasure.

"Porpay" (Red Guavas) - fabric collage with embellishments and embroidery. Funnily enough, this piece was hung sideways, and I thought it looked much better than the portartait orientation in which I worked on it!

"Seashore" - textile collage with embellishment and embroidery
Most of the entries in the show were on a much larger scale than my work. I don't think that is going to change. I really like working small. However, I will definitely be doing more pieces with the idea of showing them off in proper mountings and frames. And who knows - I may even have the cheek to place a monetary value on them next year?
From Grandma's Brag book - Charles and William on the opening night of the Exhibition