Tuesday, January 04, 2011


They say there is nothing as "past" as Christmas.......but the memories of a happy relaxed family time always stay with you.
Here are a few candid shots of our Christmas this year.
Here is Ed, recovering perhaps from early celebrations, and wishing he could have slept in longer! Ruby is there in his arms. The two of them have quite fallen in love with each other!

 Peter is equally laid back, happy to have the girls wait on him!
 The family has learned that Bernie is quite happy and contented with a bottle or two of red wine for a gift.
 We usually give the girls beach gear for their extended Christmas holiday with us. They live a fair way from the sea at home, and love the proximity of the beach here on Norfolk Island.
 Sarah models hers, along with the beads that Peter brought back from his trip to Delhi in October!
 Mitti gets in on the act.
 Sarah has a call from her Dad, while Digby watches on.
 And Ruby has a cuddle with Emily...
 The table is set for a late Christmas lunch. I kept looking for a suitable centrepiece, but they all looked too tacky. Finally I remembered the frosted fruits that I made for sale...and they are perfect. (I have withdrawn them from the market!!!)
 We enjoyed traditional foods, including frozen peas! We have had so many fresh veges this year, I realised I had not eaten peas for ages, so they were an unusual treat!

 The next day we had another gift opening session with Miriam and Rob, who had arrived that morning. Also with the McRitchies, who joined us in a relaxed Boxing Day "potluck and leftovers".
This was Jasper's first Christmas.

 Sienna displays the little fairy cushion and button doll I made for her.
 Jasper models his ladybird suit, and holds the little matching ladybird toy.
 And Teddy models his new Billabong hat - which, unfortunately, is a little tight!
With all the celebrations over, it is now reward time. The pace is relaxed, and we have not yet resumed normal routines. I am itching to get at some creative activities, but that can wait...it is so lovely to have the family here, enjoying informal meals and picnics, watching the cricket on TV (without feeling guilty), bumping into and catching up with other Norfolkers home for the holidays....I can't wait till next Christmas! (It will roll round soon enough)


Anonymous said...

We too had a busy holiday and it is nice just to sit back and relax a bit after all the fuss and business.

Purple Turtles said...

Happy Christmas Mary. I thought of you every day as I too had a crystal bowl full of your frosted fruits as my centrepiece. I even found some glass grapes with frosted leaves to go with them. Have a look in my Christmas tree photos on facebook. Looks like you all had a lovely relaxed Christmas with all your loved ones, they are always my favourite celebrations. Love to you all. Mandy

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