I went back to the Community Arts Exhibition on Monday afternoon to have a better look at the entries. At the opening, it had been difficult to have a good look at the catalogue with a glass of punch in one hand and a toddler in the other!!

I also wanted to photograph the little table with my entries without other people milling around. Funnily enough, my visit coincided with that of Klassina, who had gone back specifically to look more closely at my exhibits!
I have actually had a great deal of positive and encouraging feedback on my funny little pieces. They are certainly different from the general run of Art Show entries.
These are the pages I received in our 2008 Round Robin, inspired by the "Old Boat" photo on the journal that accompanied, shown behind. The pages were two-sided, so people were invited to turn them over.The competition conditions said that identification tags had to be affixed to the back or the base of entries. Well, for the most part, mine do not have a back or a bottom. And that is why I placed a sign inviting people to pick them up and examine them from all angles.
This concertina book was fashioned from the pages I received on the "Tea Party " theme in our 2007 Round Robin. The crazypatch cover is my own work.The Community Arts Society is happy to sell any items on display for a commission. But I am afraid my pieces always have "N.F.S." in the catalogue....for one thing they are often too personal. The other reason is that I am not sure what sort of appeal they will have. They do not usually lend themselves to hanging on a wall or standing on a mantlepiece. People may regard them as "too precious"...but they cry out to be picked up and fondled.
This picture shows two of my own books. On the left is the meandering book "Leaves" I put together after a worshop with Mixed Media Artist Carolyn Stephens from Wanganui. On the right is my little "Devon" book, which I think I have posted in this blog before.I like to think, too, that my work does not involve standing back and saying "Hmmm- yes, I like that." It calls for close examination, so you can see the detail and the variety of techniques that have been used, and the different media that have been combined, including old and treasured items like laces, beads and buttons. I like people to think about the stories they tell, and above all, I hope they will engage people's emotions and memories and senses. And they most definitely need to be experienced through the fingers as well as the eyes!
I should mention that my entries were not just my work. I included a basket of ATC's, both my own work and that of others. I also submitted the Round Robin projects from our Stitching Together online group from 2007 and 2008. wanted to show how the Internet has been an incredibly wonderful tool in bringing artists and craftspeople together from all over the world.
Meanwhile, I also love our little local Craft and Friendship group that has been meeting each Tuesday afternoon for many years. Yesterday, our industrious Annette brought along yet another two woollen rugs she has completed.

Meanwhile the equally productive May P. continues to work on the baby cuddle rugs and the small quilts she has been making for all the babies born at the hospital and the children she comes in contact with, including her Sabbath school and Scripture class . May also makes loads of skirts and tops and dresses to send to Swaziland. She must have used enough machine thread to go to London and back, and I know every one of her creations will be cherished by the recipient. This is Christian love at its best.