On Wednesday afternoon, we went out to a part of the island that very few visitors - and few locals for that matter - get to see.
The road to God's Own Country
Those who were born and bred in Rocky Point call it "God's country", but they really have to compete for that title with several other areas of Norfolk Island, whose own residents hold enormous affection for the friends and families and the landscapes of the areas where they grew up. It all goes to show - there are paradises within Paradise!!

The occasion was the 99th birthday of a much loved lady - Girlie (Sylvia) Nobbs.
Girlie and son Steve Plans had been made for a somewhat more formal celebration, but at Girlie's request, it was decided that an afternoon tea and Fish Gry on Girlie's own front lawn would be best, and the timing would enable all the children to join in the fun. Girlie had a daughter and six sons, and now has numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and even great-great! And she prays for every one of them every day!

These pictures will best tell the story of this lovely afternoon.
.In good Norfolk Islamd fashion, everyone had brought along a plate of food.

Was there ever a more beautiful setting for a band? Grandson Wayne (Pendo), together with Lee and Trent began the entertainment.Later, four of the Nobbs sons , together with Trent, Archie and granddaughter Gaelene took over. We had guitars, keyboard, piano, squeeze box, mouth organ - and Trent's easy-listening voice.
We all sang Happy Birthday - three times!
Outdoor kitchens don't come more picturesque than this - and the fish, chips and green plun fritters were so delicious!
Grandson Andre, who is Norfolk Island's Chief Minister, recalled a few funny stories about Grandma, who retained her sense of fun and playfulness right into old age!
That was a yummy Pavlova birthday cake!
It was a typical good Norfolk party, with great camaraderie and good feeling, a real celebration of family and belonging, wonderful food in great quantity, and best of it all, it was one of those occasions when you are so glad you live on Norfolk Island, and feel really sorry for the rest of the world.