One of the reasons that I keep this blog is to tell you all what a wonderful, unique place Norfolk Island is!
And since I have started recording our lives here, I have discovered that this island has thousands of stories to tell.
It gave me enormous pleasure, therefore, when I learned that someone was going to produce a lifestyle magazine that would capture and tell the story of some of the many things that make Norfolk Island special.

Rob Nisbet hails from Scotland, but he and wife Tina, a local Norfolk girl, and their two littlies Zander and Ceilidh, have made their home here on the island. Rob is highly qualified and skilled in photography and graphic design, and has invested his talents and resources in this new groundbreaking venture.
The magazine is to be known as 2899, which is the island's postcode, and also Rob's business name.
Rob's assistant Bruce distributes some complementary copies to writers and advertisers
Last night, the first issue was launched at a gathering of enthusiastic locals, who were openly delighted to see the spirit and essence of Norfolk captured so beautifully in print and picture.
All the writing was done locally, and superbly complemented by Rob's stunning photography.

Yours truly had an opportunity to write one of the articles, featuring our home "Devon House." I was itching to see what Rob had done with it, and I was not disappointed. In fact I was delighted, and would love to be able to send a copy to lots of people to "show it off."!

There was a lovely 2 page spread on our home, with some unusual shots, including an amazing ground-level one of the three-legged race on Thanksgiving Day!!
Other articles include features on island events, the Norfolk Pine, Whalebirds, Island "plun" (bananas), the Tahiti connection, local art inspired by sea themes, and many more. Even the advertisements have a timeless quality!