I am not given to daytime snoozing, but by Boxing Day I am usually well and truly ready for a moderate Nana-nap. I have just had an hour or two of "time out". Now I feel I must record some of the lovely spirit and joy of our Christmas Day before it all evaporates in the face of the challenges and fresh directions of the New Year.
We had an early start, though funnily enough it was a friend of DS4 who woke us at 5 a.m., wanting Ed to give him a lift home. I am not sure that Ed had been home very long himself, no doubt catching up with mates after a year away.

Ham and eggs were enjoyed on the patio, interrupted by a loud explosion, which turned out to be one of my bottles of ginger beer in the outside cupboard.
Gift opening took ages, with 14 people joning in. Emily (10) had a big job delivering them to all corners of the loungeroom!

During the morning, there were presents to enjoy, including a new Kareoke set...

The later part of the morning was spent preparing a very traditional Christmas lunch for 16. I must confess that as one tries to juggles all those different dishes in rather limited oven space, one is tempted by the idea of prawns and a barbie adopted by many nowadays. But I had Kim, Miriam and Tina all lending a hand, and it all turned out fine.
We tucked into pork, turkey, potatoes, kumera, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, carrots, stuffing and gravy, much of it homegrown. Then we had traditional Christmas pudding, and a delicious icecream Christmas cake made by Christene.
But we quite forgot the Christmas crackers, which will be put away for next year!
Rod, our Chaplain, and wife Christene joined us for lunch, and enjoyed the relaxed and happy family atmosphere. We took the opportunity of asking Rod to give thanks on behalf if all us for God;s wonderful gifts and blessings.

Brandt's 20 litres of home brew, which had only been "on tap" for a day or two, ran out during the afternoon. But in spite of all the eating and drinking, the younger ones still had the energy for games of cricket on the front lawn.

The rest of us watched and cheered from the "Members' Stands".