Now Norfolk Island is hundreds of miles from anywhere. It is the ultimate in "getting away from it all." And that is how we like it. We do not feel in the least bit isolated. Everyone else is isolated from us!!
Nevertheless, on those occasions when we feel we are building up a bit of stress around us, we do need our own version of "getting away from it all" and we head out to "Captain Cook"
"Captain Cook", which is short for "Captain Cook's Monument", is a beautiful clifftop location at the NNE of our island. It is about as far as you can go on this island, albeit no more than ten minutes' drive away from almost anywhere here. It is the place where a monument was placed back in the fifties, because it was thought it was the nearest point to where Captain Cook landed back in 1774.
It is a most scenic spot, with glorious coastal views in all directions.
The monument is at the end of what must be one of the world's most beautiful Bridle tracks - used more for walking than riding nowadays.
In recent years, Parks and Wildlife have managed the area, and have greatly beautified the area and enhanced the visitor experience.
Cattle have been kept out, and there have been massive plantings of natives and endemic species.
There are beautiful boardwalks and viewing platforms, with interpretive signs.
Sometimes you are lucky enough to see turtles in these crystal clear waters below. And on more than one occasion I have seen pods of whales passing by in the season.
This sign shows where it is believed Cook and his crew landed, near a place called "The Cord." The Cord is a popular fishing spot, but only for those adventurous enough to negotiate the cliff climb.
The scene changes dramatically through the day, depending on the position of the sun.
Even the upgraded and beautifully maintained toilets add to the visitor experience!
All in all, it is a beautiful place to just sit and feel the peace and ambience.
The more energetic are able to explore the tracks, to see the views from different angles, and experience the rainforest atmosphere and the birdlife.
This picture below takes me back to the early seventies, when access to Captain Cook was little more than a more-or-less driveable track. In 1974, when the Queen was to visit for our Captain Cook Bicentenary, the joke that buzzed around the island was that they were planning to tarseal the Captain Cook road so that they could take her Majesty out there. At that time, we had many roads which had not been tarsealed, and the very idea of tarsealing this one was quite laughable.
But look at it today!
There is even some kerbing and guttering, something that very few other Norfolk roads enjoy.
Now just a few days after our last visit to "Captain Cook" we went to a function/dinner at "Bedrock", a private property just along the cliff, slightly to the north of the Cord and Cook's supposed landing place.
This is the view from the south...
And here is the same stunning view from "Bedrock."
We count our blessings every day , and say thank you to the good Lord that we live on such a stunningly beautiful island!