Friday, July 27, 2007

Paulette invited us to come and see her garden, while her Azalea bushes are in full bloom.

They are magnificent, as you can see!

Now Paulette is closer to nine decades than eight, but that has not diminished her zest for life, and her ability to keep a big beautiful garden, with lots of flowers. She still does her own mowing, too.

Paulette came to this island from Vanuatu as a young woman, and was quickly snaffled up by a local fellow, Cec Eastwood. In fact, the story goes that even when he was watching her being brought ashore from the ship, he declared "She's mine!" Sadly Cec passed away a few years ago.

Although French is her native language, Paulette has managed to play an excellent game of Scrabble until very recently. Now sadly, her failing eyesight has made this difficult, and it was very frustrating for her not to be able to participate. However, we have now found an excellent game called "Addictionary", which has much larger letter pieces, and Paulette is once again giving us a run for our money when we play on Thursdays.

Paulette is always 'up front.' And she told me off yesterday when I complained that the day before had been miserable, because it was so cold and overcast. She said it had been a perfect day for working out in the garden, and she had spent many hours out there!

While we were there yesterday, Bernie discovered a beautiful orchid in full flower ina corner of the garden. Being pale in colour, Paulette's eyes had missed it. So Bernie got a big kiss - always one on each cheek, French style, for Paulette.

Paulette - thank you for sharing your wonderful garden with us, and for reminding us that life is for living!

Paulete gives Bernie some grapefruit from her prolifically-bearing trees

1 comment:

Cristina Rose said...

This was a lovely way to remember Paulette.
May her Gardens live on

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